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Symposium 2024 – Scientific program

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Last updated: June 17, 2024 (8:40, CET)

Sunday, June 16 (day 1)

  • 15.00–17.00: REGISTRATION
  • 17.15–17.30: SYMPOSIUM OPENING, WELCOME SPEECHES (T. Slanina, P. Klán)
  • 17.30–18.00: Alexander Heckel:  The worst photoswitches ever
  • 18.00–18.30: Christian Bochet: PPG’s as tools for studying photochemical reactions
  • 18.30–21.00: DINNER & WELCOME PARTY

Monday, June 17 (day 2)

  • 09.00–09.30: Ludovic Jullien: Fluorescence to Measure Light Intensity
  • 09.30–10.00: Jiani Ma: Reaction Mechanism Studies on Selected Photocaged Compounds
  • 10.00–10.30: Tomáš Šolomek: Giving the Green Light to Photochemical Uncaging in High Vacuum
  • 10.30–11.00: COFFEE BREAK
  • 11.00–11.30: Manabu Abe: Crucial Roles of Leaving Group and Open-shell Cation in Photoreaction of (Coumarin-4-yl)methyl Esters
  • 11.30–12.00: Hidehiko Nakagawa: Spatiotemporal control of NO release with caged NOs and their biological application
  • 12.00–13.30: LUNCH
  • 13.30–14.00: Alexandre Specht: Photoremovable protecting groups: From caged compounds to photoactivatable nanoparticles
  • 14.00–14.30: Mireille Blanchard-Desce: Optimization of coumarin two-photon cages: from multimers to dyads and triads
  • 14.30–15.00: Peter Šebej: Are Known Xanthene Dyes Excited States Fates Helpful in Search of Cages for Compounds?
  • 15.00–15.30: Pengfei Wang: Application of benzylic bond breaking facilitated by the excited state meta effect
  • 15.30–16.00: COFFEE BREAK
  • 16.00–16.30: Arthur Winter: BODIPY Photocaging with Visible to Short-Wave IR Light
  • 16.30–17.00: Anna Gudmundsdottir: Photoinitiated Release of Benzoic Acids from the Solid State Benzoyl Peroxide Derivatives
  • 17.00–17.30: Vladimir Popik: Cyclopropenone caging of reactive alkynes
  • 18.00–19.30: DINNER
  • 19.30–19.45: Albert Schulte: Understanding and Engineering the Quantum Yield of Coumarin Photocleavable Protecting Groups (short lecture)
  • 19.45–20.00: Saugat Mondal: Wavelength Selective Xanthene-Based Monochromophoric Photo-removable Protecting Groups for Tuning Soft Matter Materials Properties (short lecture)
  • 20.00–20.15: Jana Okoročenkova: Chain-Shortening of Heptamethine Cyanine Dyes (short lecture)
  • 20.15–20.30: Anna Poryvai: Radical reactivity of BODIPY-based photocages as a key to "catch and release" process (short lecture)
  • 20.30–20.45: Gabriel Glotz: Hunt for Dark States: The Photophysics and Photochemistry of Heptamethine Cyanine Dyes (short lecture) 
  • 20.45–21.00: Eva Bednářová: Quinone Allides as Novel Photocages and Switches (short lecture)

Tuesday, June 18 (day 3)

  • 09.00–09.30: Roy Weinstain: From chromophores to photoremovable protecting groups – development and potential applications
  • 09.30–10.00: David Lee Phillips: Photochemical and Time-resolved Spectroscopic Studies of Blebbistatin and Potential for Photorelease of Caged Compounds
  • 10.00–10.30: Josef Wachtveitl: 2D-Photocages: Expanding functionalities by combination of single photoresponsive elements
  • 10.30–11.00: COFFEE BREAK
  • 11.00–11.30: Nikola Basaric: BODIPY photocages cleavable at boron
  • 11.30–12.00: Márton Bojtár: The missing chromophore: converting rhodamine dyes to photocages
  • 12.00–13.30: LUNCH
  • 14.00–14.30: IOCB TOUR (meeting point in front of the lecture room, A2.01)
  • 14.30–17.00: PRAGUE TOUR (meeting point in front of IOCB, luggage storage in A3.42 possible from 11:30)
  • 19.00–21.00: GALA DINNER in Vila Lanna (location)

Wednesday, June 19 (day 4)

  • 09.00–09.30: Graham Ellis-Davies: Photopharmacology in vitro and in vivo
  • 09.30–10.00: Lisa Berreau: CO Delivery Using Extended Flavonols
  • 10.00–10.30: Tomáš Slanina: Towards Multimodal Photochemistry
  • 10.30–11.00: COFFEE BREAK
  • 11.00–11.30: Peter Štacko: Light in a Heartbeat: Bond Scission by a Single Photon Above 800 nm 
  • 11.30–12.00: Nadja Simeth:  Opto-biorganic Tool to Interrogate and Image Biological Systems
  • 12.00–13.30: LUNCH
  • 13.30–14.00: David Lawrence: Light-Triggered Drug Release from Cell-Conveyed Phototherapeutics
  • 14.00–14.30: Martin Schnermann:  Harnessing Cyanine Reactivity for Imaging and Drug Delivery (online)
  • 14.30–15.00: Weiping Wang: Photocleavage-based Photoresponsive Drug Delivery
  • 15.00–15.30: Wiktor Szymanski Towards Imaging-Guided Pharmacotherapy
  • 15.30–16.00: COFFEE BREAK
  • 16.00–16.30: Andrew Beharry: Photoactivatable β-Lapachone for Anticancer Therapy
  • 16.30–17.00: Toshiaki Furuta: Design, synthesis and potential use of gene-directed caged coumpounds
  • 17.00–17.30: Péter Kele: Bioorthogonal modulation of photoresponsivity and vice versa
  • 18.00–19.30: DINNER

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